2013 mazda cx 5 is the latest release by the car company Mazda, this car has 5 doors and elegant design sunggguh exteriornya. This car has SKYACTIV technology. which is a system that essentially skyactive is to provide a holistic view of development that integrates all aspects of vehicles, ranging from the powertrain, chassis, body frame, engine, exterior, interior and suspension, since the design and concept stage to final stage. This car has incredible interior and provide comfort when you drive this car.
in terms of the car interior is equipped with air conditioning, LCD Screen tourch, Audio, and the cabin is very comfortable to sit on. the interior of the car is wide enough to accommodate up to 8 passengers at a time.
in terms of the exterior of this car has a very elegant and not boring. with a very bright light so that the user's view is very clear morning. This car has a few colors to choose from including black, white, silver, cream, and many others.
mazda cx 5 has some very advanced features such as sepion can dikuta and closed automatically. The elegant exterior design, interior comfort for the user, and very appropriate for young children today ride. This famous car is very comfortable in terms of the suspension while driving, and has a very powerful force that can take a variety of terrain.
no wonder this car is wanted for the young, but very little desaiinya is known to be very agile car. foot-kakidari velk car uses 17 inches making it very light to start walking.
and that becomes very interesting to discuss the terms of the interior. This car berpenumpang as many as 5 people and has 5 doors. and in which there is an audio system to provide convenience for the user. equipped with an LCD screen for easy tourch users to operate it.
This car was designed with the concept of sport and you can use the engine torque of 100 km / h in 9.6 seconds and 17.1 seconds you can run up to 140 KM / hour. remarkable is not ..? such information from us, may be useful for you. so thank you.